Bull in Hinduism | Vehicle of Lord Shiva

Bull is also called as Nandi and bulls are considered as an aspect of Lord Nandikeswarar, who is considered as the sacred vehicle, divine gate keeper and the divine attendant of Lord Shiva. He is also treated like the son of Lord Shiva, similar to Vinayaka and Muruga. Lord Nandi’s idol can be found before […]

Bats in Hinduism

Bats are considered as the worshipful flying mammals, and they are considered as pious and holy. We can find lot of bats in the ceilings of the Temples, and they also dwell in the roofs of the dilapidated buildings. Mostly bats would eat fruits and insects. Bats are considered as the divine messengers of the […]

Rhinoceros | Maa Dhavdi’s Vehicle

Rhinoceros is the divine vehicle of Maa Dhavdi, an incarnation of Mata Parvati Devi. There is a temple dedicated to Maa Dhavdi in Dhrangadhra, Gujarat. She holds Trishul and various other weapons in her three hands, and blesses us in one hand. Rhinoceros are considered as wild animals and mostly found in dense forests and […]

Pigeon | Rati Devi’s Vehicle

Pigeons are considered as very sacred birds, and they are believed to be the divine vehicle of Mata Rati Devi, the consort of the love god Kama Deva. People would wear the pigeon pendants in their necklaces for quick marriages and for better prosperity in their life. Lovers belonging to different castes would prefer to […]

‘Fish’ in Hinduism | Matsya Avatara of Lord Vishnu

matsya avatar

Fish is considered as a holy sea living creature, and it contains good swimming talents, and used to live only in the water. Fishes are found in the rivers, seas, ponds and also in the temple tanks. Fishes are widely consumed all over the world, due to its rich nutrients. It contains good features, and […]

Eagle in Hinduism – Garuda Bhagwan | Jatayu, Sampati

Lord Vishnu with Shiva Garuda Brahma

In Hinduism, Garuda is a form of eagle and he is the king of birds. Eagles are mentioned in ancient Puranas and Hindu literature, and they are considered as mighty kings and warriors. Jatayu and Sambati are the two eagle brothers, and they are the sons of Lord Aruna, the divine charioteer of Lord Surya […]

Cat in Hinduism | Vehicle of Shashti Mata

Shashti Mata Goddess Sasthi

Cats are also considered as the worshipful animal in Hinduism, since cat is the vehicle of Mata Shasti Devi, a female incarnation of Lord Muruga, who is worshipped mainly in North India, for child birth and for protecting the children. She is also considered to be Devasena, the consort of Lord Muruga. Shasti is worshipped […]

Rat in Hinduism | Mouse – Vehicle of Ganesha, Karni Mata Temple

Ganesha Mooshika Ganpathi Mouse vehicle

Rats are considered as the worshipful creatures, and they are respectfully treated by the Hindus, and they are mentioned in the holy texts of Hinduism. Rat is considered as the divine vehicle of Lord Vinayaka, and they are believed to be the favourite creatures of Karni Mata, a form of Mata Durga Devi. The great […]

‘Owl’ in Hinduism | Owl – Maa Lakshmi’s Vehicle

An Owl is considered as a symbol of wealth, prosperity, wisdom, good luck and Fortune, and it is believed that, it provides happiness and prosperity to those people who are able to view it from their eyes. Bengalis would give great respect to Owl, and if it comes to their home, they would offer food […]

‘Lizard’ in Hinduism

Lizards contain spiritual significance and they are considered as holy reptiles. According to Hindu Astrology, they occupy an important place, and it is believed, that if they fall in our body in certain parts, good changes would happen in our life. 1. If the lizard falls on our face, we would have to welcome our […]

Deer in Hinduism – Vehicle of Vayu Deva | Stories of Jadabharata & Pandu

Deer are very gentle and sattvic animals, which would usually live in the forests. They cannot be tamed or brought up by the people, since doing such is prohibited by the Wild life Act. Deer are mentioned in ancient Puranas, Vedas and other texts, and mostly it would be hunted by the kings during their […]

Squirrel in Hinduism | Story of Squirrel in Ramayana

Squirrels are considered as sacred animals in India, and they are considered as worshipful creatures. They are fed with food items by the Hindus, similar to the feeding of crows, and they also helped Lord Rama during the time of building the bridge to reach the Lanka. Most of the Indian Squirrels would be having […]

Crocodiles | Worship of Crocodiles in Hinduism

Crocodiles are the holy mammals and they are associated with the Hindu deities. They are mentioned in ancient Puranas, Vedas and other divine texts, and they are considered as the worshipful creatures. In some pictures, we can see Mata Lakshmi and Mata Parvati seated in the crocodile. The water god, Lord Varuna Bhagavan’s vehicle is […]

Worshipping Snake Deities

Naga Panchami

Worshipping of snake deities is considered as a very holy task, and it would remove our sins, and sufferings from poisonous diseases and viruses, and safeguards us from snake bites. Snake worship is commonly found in all parts of India, and North Indians used to worship Mata Manasa Devi as their beloved snake goddess. In […]