Chandra Grahan 2015 | Lunar Eclipse dates, Timings

Chandra Grahan 2015, Chandra Grahan 2015 dates, List of Chandra Grahanam dates in 2015 & Timings are given here..

In 2015, Chandra Grahan takes place for two times – first one is in April and second one in September 2015.

What is Chandra Grahan and how it occurs?

Chandra Grahan (Lunar Eclipse) is a stage of Moons cycle, where the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun. Read more here on how chandragrahan takes place..

Total Lunar Eclipse on 4 April 2015 (Purna Chandra Grahan) (Khagras Chandragrahan)

The Total lunar eclipse of 4th April 2015 falls on Chaitra Purnima, the Full Moon day in Chaitra Month, as per Hindu calendars.

This Purna Chandra Grahan will be visible in Asia, Australia and America. It is also visible in India. Check out the timings of Chandra Grahan on 4 April 2015 here…

Total Lunar Eclipse on 28 September 2015 (Sampurna Chandra Grahan)

(Khagras Chandragrahan – Grasthodaya)

The Total lunar eclipse of 28th September 2015 falls on Bhadrapada Purnima, the Full Moon day in Bhadrapada Month, as per Hindu calendars.

This Sampurna Chandra Grahanam will be visible in America, Europe, Africa, West Asian countries, etc.

Effects of Lunar Eclipse

Usually, the Lunar Eclipse has been quoted as a bad omen. As per the Hindu astrology or mythology, Moon administrates the personal and domestic issues – the social and psychological behavior. Read more about the effects of Lunar Eclipse here..

Moon Cycle – Effects on Women and Domestic Side

Lunar cycle predominantly impacts women and domestic issues. Only the private issues are affected with Chandra Grahan. Read more about the effects of Lunar Eclipse here..

Pregnant Care during Lunar or Solar Eclipse

Scientific Reasons on Pregnant care during Surya or Chandra Grahan

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