New Year Oath 2021

In this New Year 2021, let us take oath, in order to correct ourselves, and let us avoid doing wrong things, which we might have done in the past years. New Year day is not only meant for celebration. During this day, we can plan for the forthcoming months, and must aim to do lot of good things in this year.

In ancient period, most of the people would celebrate only the Tamil New Year day, as the New Year day, with much joy and interest. Most of them would go to the temples and would eagerly have the Darshan of the deities, and would return to their places with light hearted. Then they would prepare delicious food items and offer it to the god and would perform puja to the deities. Lot of fruits and sweets would be purchased, and the young ones would be very eager to taste it instantly. We can find the happy faces in the entire family, and the entire day would go in a relaxed manner for them.

But nowadays, the people in Tamil Nadu are showing more interest in celebrating the English New Year day, and they are celebrating the Tamil New Year day just for name sake only. However, celebrating English New Year is also not considered as a wrongful act. It all depends on the people’s interest, and their involvement in celebrating the day in a joyful manner. Since we have faced lot of problems during the last year due to the Corona Virus, this year also we have to safeguard ourselves by wearing the face mask, and by applying the hand Sanitizer, and visit to the temples, taking the children to the nearby parks and inviting the guests to our homes etc.

At least once in a week, we have to cultivate the habit of cleaning the temples, temple tanks and visiting the orphanages and old age homes, and providing food packets and good clothes to them. We can also take the old aged people to the medical centres at our own cost, and can talk to them similar to their own children.

The kindness shown by us to the depressed and the suppressed people would act as a protective shield in our life, and their lovely smile would make us to live peacefully in our life. By exchanging pleasant words with the sufferers, would not going to cost anything in our life, but it would do lot of wonders in our life.

Hence during this entire year 2021, let us think positively and let us do lot of good deeds to others.


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