Mars in 12th House | Mangal in Vyaya Bhava

Mars in 12th House, Mangal in Vyaya Bhava, Kuja in 12th House – what are the effects of Mars in 12th House?

When Mars is in the house of Jupiter it would make the native a king whether he is born into a poor family or is a hermit. He will have a very good period between the 24th and 28th year.

When Mercury is in House No. 3, 8, 9, 12 it will give its own malefic effects.

When the Sun is in House No. 3, 11 it will give excellent results and avoid sickness and even death.

When Mercury is in the 4th or 8th house and Mars is in the 6th or 12th house it will shorten the lifespan of the native and his mother.

Positive effects of Mars in 12th house

Even when Mercury is in House No. 1 it will not give malefic results. Irrespective of the position of planet in House No. 1, Ketu in House No. 1 will always give benefic results. The effect of Rahu will not be evil but dormant. The native will frighten his enemies like a roaring lion. He would be obedient to his gurus. He would lead a comfortable life irrespective of his wealth.

All the planets in the horoscope will behave well and planets in House No. 1, 3, 8 and 11 will not give any malefic results. He will be blessed with a long life.

Negative effects of Mars in 12th house

When Mercury is in House No. 3, 8, 9, 12 it will give malefic results and Mars will not be able to control Mercury.

When Sun is poor it will give the malefic effects of Mars and malefic impact of Sun on House No. 3, 1 and 11.

When Mercury is in House No. 4 – 8 but does not have any link with Moon and Sun the life of the native along with his mother will be shortened.

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