Dadhichi’s inspiration for Body & Organ donation

Dadhichi was a great Sage who donated his bones to Lord Indra, so that he could make the Vajrayudha to kill the demon Vrutrasur.

His sacrifice motivates people even today to donate their bodies and organs after their death. As common humans we can atleast donate our organs when we don’t require them after our death.

Many organisations promote the culture of organ, body and tissue donation among the community. They organise annual Dehdaan and Angdaan Diwas in the name of Dadichi to motivate people to come forward to donate their organs.

Families of the donors who have donated the dead body for medical research are honoured on this day. Also many seminars and promotional campaigns are organised to eradicate the misconception and social stigma attached with body donation.

Almost every state in India has a ‘Dadhichi Samiti’ which participates in this mission. They promote the donation of body, organs and tissues after death. People willing to do so have to register themselves after undergoing medical checkup.

People who wish to donate their body also inform their family members about their wish so that it becomes easier for them after the death of the person. The great Sage has set a matchless example of sacrifice.

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