Sun in 12th House | Ravi in House of Losses

Sun in 12th House, Ravi in Vyaya Sthana (House of Losses) – Effects of Sun in 12th house (Positive effects & negative effects)..

When Sun is in 12 house the effect of Jupiter may be doubtful but the native and his wife will be happy. If he is a religious person he will get progeny otherwise there will be no benefit. Whether the person is rich or poor he would not deviate from religion. When Rahu Ketu is in House No. 1 it will give him a lot of discomfort and there will be loss of sleep.

Positive effects of Sun in 12th house

When someone is in 12th house it will be under the influence of Rahu. It will give him a very good domestic life and the more religious the person he is, he will be blessed with more comforts and wealth. If he has a small flour mill he will not be deprived of wealth. He will be very knowledgeable and brave. Machinery works which are related to Saturn will not be profitable.

When Ketu is in House No. 2 he will start earning from the age of 24 and lead a comfortable life.

Negative effects of Sun in 12th house

When someone is alone in House No. 12 there will be no benefic effects of items related to Rahu. There will be head injury and his relation with wife will be spoiled.

There can be loss in business related to Saturn. Joint business with in-laws and other relatives of Rahu will be unfavourable. If the person is jealous and gives trouble to others he will invite the evil effects of Saturn.

When Rahu Ketu and Saturn is in House No. 1 the native will become poor and will lack peace of mind.

When moon is in House No. 6 either the native or his wife or both of them will lose one eye.

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