Watch Durga Puja 2012 Live Online from Kolkata, Bengal

Now, you can watch Durga Puja 2012 live online from Kolkata and other cities of West Bengal for free. A three-year old website provides you the option to watch Durga Puja and experience the celebrations of West Bengal from your desktop or laptop.

This website also provides various aspects of Durga Puja such as wallpapers, ringtones, stotras or mantras, pujo images, pujo fashion, pujor e-greetings, pujor sms, pujot nirghonto and other puja downloads.

You can even submit your Durga Puja pandal information to the website so that they can publish it..

Watch Durga Puja 2012 Live online from Kolkata and other places of Bengal through the live streaming in

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