Lalkitab Remedies for Sun in 7th House

Lalkitab Remedies for Sun in 7th house. Ravi in 7th house Lalkitab Remedies. Surya (Sun) in 7th house lalkitab remedies, solutions, pujas, vratas, stones. When the sun is inauspicious in the 7th house and Jupiter, Venus or any other malefic planet is placed in the 11th house and mercury is also malefic, the native will […]

Sun in 7th House | Ravi in House of Marriage

Sun in 7th House, Ravi in House of Marriage – Effects of Sun in 7th house (Positive effects & negative effects).. When Sun is in House No. 7 he will be like a king without a Crown and has to toil for his prosperity. If the 1st house is blank it will make the 7th […]