Shani in 3rd House, Saturn Effects in 3rd House

Shani in 3rd House, Saturn Effects in 3rd House, Positive effects, Negative effects of having Shani in 3rd House.. When Saturn is in 3rd house if it is malefic it will be twice effective but there are remedies to overcome the adversities. It will deprive the native of his wealth. If Saturn becomes benefic he […]

Devon Ke Dev Mahadev, 19 September 2013 – Story of Malla Mani (496 Episode)

Devon Ke Dev Mahadev, 19 September 2013, Story revolves around Malla, Mani (496 episode). In episode 496 of Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev, 19th September 2013, Mahadev succeeds in pacifying Goddess Kali and getting the Parvati’s form back. How will Mahadev be able to control Kali’s anger? And the story also revolves around the Malla and Mani […]