Sun in 11th House | Ravi in Labha Sthana

Sun in 11th House, Ravi in Labha Sthana (House of Gains) – What are the Effects of Sun in 11th house (Positive effects & negative effects)..

When Sun is in 11th house he will be religious but self-centred and greedy. He will become issueless if he eats meat. If he gives up liquor and made he will have 3 sons.

When moon is in House No. 5 he will have a long life. If he eats items of Saturn he will become childless. As a remedy he can donate white vegetables and items of Saturn in the morning. Do not accept items of Saturn as gift.

Positive effects of Sun in 11th house

When Sun is in 11th house he will be blessed with a son at the earliest if he is vegetarian. He will also lead a comfortable and long life provided he is religious. He will be a man of power and authority and gain from the government.

If the person does not get affected by Saturn and is not inclined towards meat wine or woman then he will be blessed with 3 sons who are lucky for him.

Negative effects of Sun in 11th house

If Sun is alone in this house it will give malefic effects. If he is a meat eater it will be like eating flesh of one’s own kith and kin for 45 years. He will lose a child if there is a tree in adjoining street. Saturn will reduce the positive effects of Sun.

When Sun is alone in House No. 11 he will lose his self-made house and there will be loss in finances.

When Mercury and Saturn are malefic he will be a person of lose habits and cheat his own father. Even though he will have a long life he will be given to vice habits.

When moon is in House No. 5 he will have a short life span and will deprive him of children.

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