Shanta in Ramayana | Lord Rama’s Sister

Shanta was the daughter of the great king Dasharatha and Kausalya, who was later adopted by King Rompad and Queen Vershini and she was born in the Treta Yuga.

Shanta was the consort of the great rishi Rishyasringa, son of sage Vibhandaka. Shanta was well educated in Vedic subjects and talented in all kinds of arts and she was considered as a beautiful chaste woman. Her consort Rishyasringa performed a yagna on behalf of king Dasharatha in order to get noble children. And after the performance of the yagna, the divine avatars, Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna were born.

Shanta was a very good and charming lady, who used to perform puja to the Shiva Lingam at the Ashram along with her consort Rishyasringa. They used to provide food to the guests and also took care of cows at their ashram and fed them properly.

There is a temple dedicated to Rishyasringa and Mata Shanta at Shringeri, Karnataka.

Let us worship the holy couples and be blessed.

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  1. harihara says:

    Shanta must be a lot elder to Shri Rama And Shri Rama Had been born by the effect of putrakaameshti yagna pergoed by Dhantad husband Rishyashringa and off the Payasam

  2. G A Krishna says:

    Definitely there is a temple of Rishi Rishyasringa at Shringeri, Karnataka, but there is no temple of Mata Shanta there.

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