Ignorance makes us criticise God

Ignorance makes us criticise God

Ignorance makes us criticise God

Very often people accuse God as being cruel since He has created this world full of sufferings. While some enjoy prosperity,others wander about, driven by hunger and poverty. I God, as described in holy texts, is extremely compassionate, why should He enact this “drama”?

God is neither partial, nor iron-hearted nor unconcerned about humanity’s ills, as some allege. He is ever merciful and will always be ready to protect them. A safe path is shown by our parents for our worldly progress and if we do not follow it, we will fail in our lives. Likewise God, in scriptures, has prescribed certain directives for our good.

If we transgress these Divine commands, we shall meet with problems. To blame God, for our difficulties, and attribute cruelty to Him, all the while committing violations of God’s words, is hence wrong. The cause lies within us.

A mother once sent her two sons (called Viveki discrimination, and Aviveki – non-discrimination) to the town, asking them to take the strong bridge to cross a canal on their upward journey and return by another bridge which was weak, but use sticks as supports. The former obeyed what his mother had said and came back safe.

Ignorance makes us criticise God

Ignorance makes us criticise God

The other defied her warning and fell down, because of his in-discrimination and arrogance. This parable applies to mankind also. God, who has created us, has also provided us with the ephemeral. Without making a distinction between the two we commit follies resulting in misery. As told in the story above, we are not willing to use the stick of discrimination given by God. If everyone obeys His orders, there will be happiness and peace.

In her discourse, Mata Amritanandamayi said, our ignorance makes us criticise God of being indifferent to us. It is akin to constructing a dam across a flowing river and diverting its course and complaining of shortage of water, forgetting that it is man’s own making. Likewise, we have built a dam of ignorance and blocked the flow of God’s grace to us and then we blame God, though we are ourselves responsible.

If His commands are followed, He will surely extend His protection. We should offer our prayers and submit ourselves to Him pointing out that we have unfortunately been thown into this of transmigration. Like the ferocious wild beasts, latent wicked tendencies within in us threate to devour us. There is none to take care of us amidst such situations and God alone is our eternal companion who is ever ready to extend His grace.

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