Chodhi, 3rd Day of Onam Celebrations, 1 September 2022

Chodhi or Chothi is the third day of grand Onam celebration. The Chodhi or Chothi day falls in the month of Chingam according to the Malayalam calendar. In 2022, Chodhi Onam date is September 1.

This day is marked for outdoor activities in the Onam celebration.

This particular day involves several activities that are starting with laying of floral carpets to big shopping. The local and major open market is filled with large number of people. They shop for new cloths that are known as Onakkodi. These new dresses will be worn by the family members on the day of Thiruvonam. They also indulge in purchasing gifts, greeting cards, decoration items and necessary things for their loved once.

This day also marked as a no ritual day. People just indulge in making their floral carpet much attractive and colorful. The main intension is to get appreciation for their floral carpet. Children and youngsters go in search of colorful flowers in the garden or nearby thick vegetation areas. Some people will venture in to the forest areas to get special colorful and exotic flowers to give a unique touch to their floral carpet. Boys and girls go in groups in search of flowers.

It is to be noted that adding new designs and layers with at least 4 to 5 different types of flowers is the specialty of this day. From this day, the size of the floral carpet will grow day by day. This day is also associated with gifting the loved one. The head of the family distributes the new clothes and gifts to the family members on this day.

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