Santhana Gopala Mantram

Santhana Gopala Mantram is an auspicious prayer chanted for children and safe pregnancy.

It is also believed that chanting this Mantra during Surya Grahan (Solar Eclipse) or Chandra Grahan (Lunar Eclipse) will protect the pregnant women and their pregnancy and babies from ill effects of eclipses.

Chant Santhana Gopala Mantram for children & safe pregnancy
Santhana Gopala Mantra
Om Devaki Sutha Govinda
Vasudeva Jagath Pathe
Dehimey Thanayam
Krishna Thwamaham
Kadhahaa Deva Deva
Gothra Vridhi Karap Prabho
Dehimey Thanayam Sheegram
Ayushmandham Yashashreenam !

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