
Dhanyadhipathi in Navanayaka Phala of a Hindu year provides that particular year’s specific phala related to crops (results / mundane predictions).

For Manmadha Nama Samvatsara (2015-2016), Budha (Mercury) is the Dhanyadhipathi as Dhanu Sankranti (Sun’s transit to Sagittarius) falls on Wednesday (16 December 2015). The Varadhipati of Dhanu Sankramana day will be referred to as the Dhanyadhipathi for that year. It is to note that Budha is the Varadhipathi for Wednesday.

Budha as Dhanyadhipathi – Phalam

Madhya Vrushtir mandasasyam meghavaatena peeditha |

Thraapassarva nrupaanaam cha budhe dhanyadhi pesathi ||

Since, Budha is the Dhanyadhipathi of Manmadha year, this year will have Madhya Vrushti (less rains). Less crops and damages due to windy storms are on cards. Fear for Raja (rulers).

Here are the full Navanayaka Phalam predictions for Manmadha Year (2015-16)

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