Niruti Loka | Abode of Niruti

Niruti is one among the AshtaDikpalakas such as Kubera, Yama, Indra, Varuna, Ishana, Agni and Vayu. Niruti Deva is also considered as a female aspect of Ma Shakti Devi, but in most of the texts he is mentioned as a male deity, and he is the god of south west direction. Niruti is residing in […]

Vehicle of Daksha Bhagavan & Niruti Devata

For most of the divine personalities, their usual vehicles would be either animals or birds like Garuda, Nandi, Peacock and Mouse. But rarely humans also serve as vehicle to the divine personalities, like Niruyi Devata and Lord Daksha Bhagavan. Both of them are having a human being as their divine vehicle. The humans would use […]