Daily Puja at Kadampuzha Devi Temple

Daily Puja at Kadampuzha Devi Temple – There are two main daily rituals at the Kadampuzha Devi Temple, Kerala. Poomoodal (covering the deity under a heap of freshly picked flowers) is the highest puja done in the temple. The Poomoodal offering is being done between 0900-1100 after which the temple will be closed after morning […]

Stories of Kadampuzha Devi Temple

Here are the Stories of Kadampuzha Devi Temple, Kerala. The legends surrounding the Kadampuzha Devi are related to Arjuna, one of the heroes of the epic Mahabharata. Arjuna fought with god Siva during the Kirata incarnation (he was accompanied by Devi Parvathy during her Vanadurga incarnation). A demon named Mukasura took the form of a […]

Kadampuzha Devi Temple Prathistha Day (Karthika in Vrischikam Month)

Kadampuzha Devi Temple Prathistha Day is celebrated on Karthika day in Vrischikam Month of Malayalam calendar. In 2014, Kadampuzha Devi Temple Prathistha Day date is December 5. Kadampuzha Devi Temple is a famous pilgrimage center at Kadampuzha, Malappuram district, Kerala. The temple is dedicated to goddess Durga Devi. The most significant feature of the temple is […]