Kojagiri Poornima 2012 in Maharashtra, Kojagiri Lakshmi Pooja date in 2012

Kojagiri Poornima or the Full Moon day in Ashwin month is celebrated as Kojagiri Purnima Vrat in Maharashtra. Kojagari Purnima 2012 date is October 29. It marks the ending of rainy season and the sky gives its way to the Sun. Kojagiri is the festival to welcome brightness in our lives. It is also known […]

Kojagari Lakshmi Puja, Laxmi Vrat on Kojagiri Purnima

Kojagari Lakshmi Puja is observed on Kojagiri Purnima, the Full moon day which falls after Durga Pooja in Ashwin month. In 2022, Kojagari Lakshmi Puja date is October 9. It is mainly observed in Eastern Indian states – Bengal, Orissa and Assam. Kojagari Vrat is also observed in Central Indian regions – Budelkhand and some parts of […]