Importance of Mother & Father in Hindu Dharma

Our father and mother are our immediate gods and goddess and they are fulfilling our needs and wishes in our daily life. God cannot come directly and protect his devotees, and hence instead of that, he is helping us in the form of our parents, and protecting us from all sorts of problems in our life. Through our mother, he is consoling us, giving a comfortable feeling in our mind, and relaxing us.

Similar to some animals and other living beings, as soon as we are born, we are not immediately getting up, and doing our duties. Up to the age of seven, we require the help of our parents in discharging our daily duties. Our mother is considered as Mata Parvati, and our father is considered as Lord Shiva. And in case of parent-less children, Shiva Parvati would dwell in the hearts of those people, and give them great Wisdom, courage and boldness from their young age itself.

Similar to our mother, father will not immediately express his affection on us. He would keep his love in his heart, and in times, he would express his love on us in a wholeheartedly manner.Our parents are taking care of us right from our childhood, till we reach our teenage. Even after we attain our middle age, still they would treat us affectionately. Sometimes, we would get bored from their frequent interaction with our daily chores, and we may also scold them for that. But we would realize our mistakes, only after their death.

A father and mother would even give their lives for the sake of the well-being of their children. Love shown by the parents on their children cannot be compared in terms of values. Even millions and millions of rupees cannot compensate the true love shown by our parents. If we come late from our school or college, our father would be kept standing in the outside of our gates in a nervous manner, and keep his watchful eyes on the streets, and our mother would console him, and ask him to maintain patience till our arrival.

Hence let us love our parents, and worship them similar to the divine deities.


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