Hayagriva Jayanti 2011 – Hayagreeva Jayanthi in 2011

Hayagriva Jayanti or Hayagreeva Jayanthi is the first appearance day of Lord Hayagriva, the God of wisdom and knowledge. Hayagriva Jayanti 2011 date is August 13. Hayagriva Jayanthi falls on Shravan Purnima, the Full Moon day in Shravan month (August). Hayagriva Jayanti is also known as Hayagreeva Utpatti.

Lord Hayagriva is believed as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He protected the Chatur Vedas (four Vedas) from the demons called Madhu and Kaitabha.

To honor Lord Hayagriva, on Hayagriva Jayanti day (Shravana Purnima), Avani Avittam / Veda Upakarma (changing of sacred thread) is observed in South India.

Students worship Lord Hayagriva for betterment in their education and for good concentration on studies.

Lord Hayagriva is also worshipped on Mahanavami, ninth day of Durga Navratri. Here is the legend or story of birth of Lord Hayagriva swamy.

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