15 May 2013, Adi Shankaracharya Jayanti



15 May 2013 is Adi Shankaracharya Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Sri Jagadguru Adi Shankara Bhagavadpada. It is celebrated on Vaishakh Shukla Panchami (fifth day in bright half of Vaishakha month).

Sankaracharya was considered as the greatest philosophers in Hinduism. Shankara was the first and foremost philosopher who explained the concepts of “Aatma” (soul), “Paramathma” (divine soul), “Vairagya” (renunciation) and “Moksha” (salvation). He wrote Bhashyas or commentaries on all Vedas, and ithihasas like Bhagvad Gita. He established many Maths or Peethas all over India.

Sankara Bhagavadpada visited entire India and established four Peethas in four corners of the country – Govardhana Peetha in Puri (Orissa – Eastern parts of India), Kalika Peetha in Dwaraka (Gujarat – Western Parts of India), Jyoti Peetha in Badarikashrama (Uttarakhand – Northern Parts of India), Sharada Peetham in Srungeri (Karnataka – Southern parts of India). Shankaracharya spread the message of Advaita (non-dualism) to the world.

Philosophy of Sri Shankaracharya

Atma Bodha by Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya

Shankara Jayanti at Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham

Shankara Jayanti at Srinagar Shankaracharya Hills

Shankara Jayanti in Gangtok, Sikkim

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  1. Mridul says:

    sri jagadguru adi shankaracharya jayanthi on which date

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