Bharani Nakshatram Characteristics, Predictions, Forecast, Horoscope

Bharani Nakshatra or Bharani Birth star constellation is the second Nakshatra among 27 Nakshatras in Hindu Astrology. Bharani Nakshatra is categorized under Mesha Rashi or zodiac sign of Aries. (This post is the sequel of the previous post on Bharani Nakshatram). Sometimes your strong will power will take the form of obstinacy, which will annoy […]

Bharani Nakshatra – Bharani Nakshatram or Bharani Birth Star Constellation

Bharani Nakshatra or Bharani Birth star constellation is the second Nakshatra among 27 Nakshatras in Hindu Astrology. Bharani Nakshatra is categorized under the planetary lordship of Venus and is within the zodiac sign of Aries, ruled by Mars. The Nakshatra Bharani denotes the character of Agni Rasi Tamo Guna. Animal symbol of Bharanai Nakshatram is […]