Significance of Thaila Abhishekam on Shani Amavasya

An Amavasya on Shanivar or a new moon day on a Saturday is largely observed by the Hindu religious devotees as Shani Amavasya. According to the astrologers and Hindu religious scholars this particular day is regarded as highly auspicious for getting direct or indirect relief from various types of effect the planet Saturn or Lord Shani.

It is also regarded as the perfect day on which an individual along with his or her family members can free himself or themselves from Pitru or Pitra Dosha. The day of Shani Amavasya is also regarded to be the right day for overcoming the kaala sarpa dosha.

Those who are having Shani dosham or kaala sarpa dosha may face lot of difficulties in personal and professional life. They may face strained mutual relationship in maritial life and with other family members, poverty, financial difficulties, troubles from enemies, legal issues, no proper alliance matching for un married person, marriage delay etc.

In order to get immediate relief from all these difficulties is please the Lord Shani by worshipping him and performing Taila Abhishekam or Telabhishekam. This particular Abhishekam is done on the day of Shani Amavasya.

Taila Abhishekam or Telabhishekam is done by the hindu religious devotees in order to get relief from all the types of difficulties in life faced mainly because of Shani dosham. It is done by pouring mustard oil on the head of the idol of Lord Shani. It would please Lord Shani very much and would get the blessing of the Lord too.

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