Purnima, 10 September 2022 | Bhadrapada Purnima

10 September 2022 is Purnima (Bhadrapada Purnima), the Full Moon day in Bhadrapada Month. It marks the end of Bhadrapada Month in North Indian Hindi calendars and the next day of it signifies the beginning of Ashwin Month.

Purnima Time, 10 September 2022

Purnima begins at 6.07 PM on 9 September and ends at 3.28 PM 10 September 2022. On this day, Bhagvat Saptah Samapthi utsav is also observed.

On this day, Bhagvat Saptah Samapthi utsav is also observed.

In Marathi, Telugu, Kannada and Gujarati calendars, Bhadrapada Purnima marks the end of Shukla Paksha in this month.

Bhadrapadi Poonam (Bhadarvi Poonam) is celebrated with utmost gusto in Gujarat and Rajasthan. In Gujarat, a huge fair is organised at Ambaji Temple which is called Ambaji Mela.

Umamaheshwara Vrata (puja which is observed by married couple for marital bliss) is also observed on this Purnima.

On this day, Bhagvat Saptah Samapthi utsav is also observed.

It falls in Purattasi Masam in Tamil calendar, Kanni Masam in Malayalam calendar and Aashin Month in Bengali Panjika.

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