Jaya Parvati Vrat Vidhi | Procedure of Jayaparvati Vrat

How to do Jaya Parvati Vrat? What is the Jayaparvati Vrat Vidhi & Procedure of Jayaparvati Vrat?

When observing Jaya Parvati vrat, one cannot eat salt, wheat or wheat products, and vegetables. It is believed that Jaya Parvati vrat brings happiness and blesses the girl with a good husband and a happy married life.

First day of Vrat

On the first day of the vrat, wheat seeds (javaara) are planted in a small bowl/pot and kept by the temple in the house. Prayers are then offered to the javaar pot. A ‘nagla’ (a necklace made from cotton wool) is decorated with vermillion (kumkum). This ritual is carried out every morning and the wheat seeds are watered.

Last day of Vrat

On the last day, the women who have observed the fast have to remain awake whole night of the fifth day called as jagran.

On the sixth day the wheat sees (javara) are taken out of the pot are immersed in the holy waters of rivers or ponds after taking a bath and wearing beautiful dresses; offer prayers at Mataji’s temple and break the fast by eating a full meal consisting of salt, chapaatis made of wheat, and vegetables.

Thanks to Srimati Jamuna Patel for sending us ‘Jaya Parvati Vrat Vidhi’.

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