Divine Dakshinamurthy Temples

Lord Dakshinamurthy

Dakshinamurthy is a form of Lord Shiva as the universal teacher, symbolizing knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment. The word “Dakshinamurthy” translates to “one who is facing south,” and it is believed that Lord Shiva as Dakshinamurthy imparts spiritual wisdom and guidance to seekers. Temples dedicated to Dakshinamurthy are places where devotees come to seek knowledge, understanding, […]

Yoga Dakshinamurthi

Yoga Dakshinamurthy

Yoga dakshinamurthi is the form of Lord Shiva. Dakshinamurthi means ‘one who is facing south’  and Yoga is the art of being healthy in both physical and spiritual norms. It is believed that this form is the personification of Lord Shiva, where he represents knowledge, understanding and ultimate awareness. He is worshipped as the Lord […]

Dakshinamurthy | Lord Jnana Dakshinamurthi | Medho Dakshinamurthy

Lord Dakshinamurthy

Lord Dakshinamurthy, also referred to as Jnana Dakshinamurthi or Medho Dakshinamurthy, is an aspect of Shiva as a Guru who teaches us the knowledge or Jnana and improves our Medho or Medha shakti (mind power). The aspect of Dakshinamurthy represents Lord Shiva as the universal teacher of wisdom apart from his regular duty of dissolution […]

What is the meaning of Dakshinamurthy?

Lord Dakshinamurthy

What is the meaning of Dakshinamurthy? To this question in Satsang, Art of Living’s Sri Sri Ravishankar Guruji explaining the meaning of Dakshinamurthy in his own words… Amurtha means that which has no form and cannot be expressed; that which cannot be seen. Lord Shiva, the formless manifestation of infinite space, cannot take a form. It […]