Srinivasa Kalyanam in Ambur, 28 January 2017

The Srinivasa Kalyanam under the aegis of TTD Kalyanotsavam Project will be observed at Ambur in Vellore district of Tamilnadu on Janurary 28.

The celestial marriage will take place at the Hindu Higher School premises by 6pm on Saturday.

This ritual is usually performed seeking the well being of the entire humanity. However in Vaikhanasa Agama, which is in practice in Tirumala to carryout temple rituals, Kalyanotsavam is popularly known as “Vaivahika Mahotsavam”. So the couples especially the newly wed, who wish to have a blissful marital life with the blessings of Lord Venkateswara do participate in Kalyanotsavam in big numbers.

Aarti: After the conclusion of the pleasant “Love Game”, the Consorts are seated on either sides of Lord, with Sridevi taking the Right side and Bhudevi occupying the left place of Maha Simhasanam. Now Karpoora Aarati, Nakshatra Aarati and Maha Aarti were rendered marking the grand ending of the Celestial Wedding Ceremony of Lord Malayappa Swamy with His two Consorts-Sri Devi and Bhu Devi.


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