Parashuram Ashtami



Parashuram Ashtami is an auspicious day dedicated to Parashurama, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In 2021, Parashuram Ashtami date is July 17. It is mainly observed in Odisha and some North Indian parts.

Sri Parashurama Avatara is the sixth Avatara of Lord Vishnu. The story of Parashurama Avatara is also mentioned in Padma Purana’s Uttara Khanda. Once, goddess Parvati expressed her desire to know about all the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Check out the Purpose of Parashurama Avatara..

After avenging his father’s death and the massacre of the erring Kshatriyas, Parashurama desired to personally pay homage to Bhagavan Shiva and reached Kailasa; he witnessed Nandeeswara, Maha Kaala, Ruru Bhairava, Rudraganas and Bhuta-Preta-Piscachas but finally Ganesha stopped him. Read more to know Why Parashurama declared war against Ganesha..

How was it possible for Lord Rama to be born at the same time when Parshurama was present as well, as both are considered to be incarnations of Lord Narayana? Check out the explanation..

Parashurama Jayanti falls in Vaishakh Month. Parashurama Dwadashi is another auspicious day dedicated to the fierce avatara of Vishnu. It is also observed in Vaishakh Month.

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