Lizard fallen on Head – Results, Effects, what will happen

Lizard fallen on Head – Results, Effects, what will happen. If lizard falls on head, then what will happen? Here is the detailed analysis of this…

The shastra that tells about the lizard falling effects is known as Lizard Astrology (Gowli Panchangam). The standard Astrology text, Muhurat Martand, explains the Palli dosham or the effects of lizard falling on our body parts.

The chameleon also produces same results as the lizard. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is the auspicious mantra to chant when you have faced the situation of lizard falling.

Here we discuss the effects or results of Gowli Pathanam (lizard falling) on head..

1. If lizard falls on the top of the hair, it is not at all auspicious. Need to perform Maha Mrutyunjaya Japam to get rid of the effects. Be careful while driving vehicles like car and two-wheelers.

2. When a lizard falls on the central part of head, it indicates illness. Maha Mrutyunjaya Japam is the only remedy.

3. If a lizard falls on the right side, just above the neck on the head then it indicates bad sign for the native’s siblings (brothers or sisters).

4. If a lizard falls on the left side, just above the neck on the head then it indicates bad sign for the native’s younger brothers.

5. Except the above parts, the lizard falls wherever on the head, it indicates a bad sign for native’s maternal uncles.

6. When lizard falls on just down side of ‘Brahma Randhra’ (the central part of the head), it indicates the financial gains for the native.

7. If a lizard falls on ‘Brahma Randhra’, then it is not at all a good sign in fact it is very bad sign for the native. Need to perform Maha Mrutyunjaya Japam to get rid of the effects.

8. When lizard falls on the spot from where women apply Sindhur at the upper side of forehead, it alerts native’s mother and siblings.

9. If a lizard falls on woman’s front hair on head, it indicates inauspicious events.

10. The fall of lizard on down parts of hair on head indicates bad health for woman’s husband.

11. If a lizard crawls on from upside to down side of the body, it indicates loss of wealth and health. In the same way, it it climbs upside it signifies auspicious happenings.

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  1. Leena.v says:

    If lizard fallen on my son head at 10.30 pm what will happen.

  2. yoongi says:

    lizard fell on my head, and my father passed away 4 months later.

  3. Rachana says:

    What happens if a lizard falls on the left size of the head on hairs for a woman inthe evening time that to on friday..plz tell me am worried

  4. Satya narayana says:

    Lizard Walked on my left of the head
    Is it good sign r bad I’m boy

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