Holi Rituals & Customs, Traditions of Holi Festival



People follow the rituals and customs of the ancient festival Holi with utmost care and devotion. In 2024, Holi date is March 24-25.

Celebrations of Holika Dahan – the Holy Bonfire

The day before Holi is celebrated as Holika Dahan. On this day, the effigy of Holika, the sister of the Demon King Hiranyakashyapa is kept in the wood and set fire. When Hiranyakashyapa asked her to kill his son, a great devotee of Lord Narayana, Holika tried to kill Prahlad by burning in the fire. But, because of Lord Narayanas grace and Bhakta Prahlads utmost devotion, he was saved. This ritual, setting a holy bonfire indicates the  of good over evil and also the triumph of a true devotee.

People consider the bonfire as very sacred and they take the fire as well as the ash of the holy bonfire to their homes. They believe that the holy ash may bring success, prosperity and bliss in their families.

Celebrations of Holi – Playing Colours

The day of Holi is also called as Dhuleti. On this day play of colours takes place. People spray and spill colours on each other with lot of enthusiasm and joy. They use different types of colours such as dry colours, wet colours and water colours. Some special recipes are made on the occasion of Holi.

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  1. Sapan says:

    Holi and Diwali- two festivals when the entire Hindu community gets united to celebrate the essence of togetherness

  2. Nishanath says:

    holi rituals and custom in trinidad for the two days

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