Bharani Nakshatra – Bharani Nakshatram or Bharani Birth Star Constellation

Bharani Nakshatra or Bharani Birth star constellation is the second Nakshatra among 27 Nakshatras in Hindu Astrology. Bharani Nakshatra is categorized under the planetary lordship of Venus and is within the zodiac sign of Aries, ruled by Mars. The Nakshatra Bharani denotes the character of Agni Rasi Tamo Guna. Animal symbol of Bharanai Nakshatram is the Elephant. If you are born in Bharani Nakshatra or Birth Star constellation, your horoscope indicates the following personality traits and characteristics.

You, natives of Bharani Nakshatra, will be fun loving and a happy-go-lucky sort of a person. Your hobbies will be singing, dancing and sports. You will spend most of your time in entertaining yourself. You will have a fear of water (Hydrophobia). You will avoid taking baths. Your impolite and audacious behavior will annoy and displease others.

You, natives of Bharani Nakshatram, will have strong will power. Once you determine to do something, you will put your heart and soul in it and finish the work. You will always practice the truth and strives for originality. You will be healthy and devoid of even the minor ailments. You will be clever and skilful. Whatever work you do, you will do it with full the perfection giving nobody the chance to criticize you.

Read more on Bharani Nakshatra characteristics, predictions, etc..

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  1. indian astrology says:

    Being based on the actual constellations of stars, this is the most widely used system of Indian astrology across the world.

  2. Indian Astrology says:

    In Western countries, it is called Vedic astrology, which refers to Indian Astrology or Hindu astrology

  3. Mehak says:

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  10. Vishakh says:

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