17 January 2016 – Mukkanuma

17 January 2016 is Mukkanuma festival. Mukkanuma is the final and fourth day of Makara Sankranti festival in Andhra Pradesh.

Mukkanuma is celebrated on the next day of Kanuma. It is celebrated as Kaanum Pongal in Tamil Nadu. Kanuma and Mukkanuma are also known as ‘Pasuvula Panduga’ (Festival of Cattle) in Telugu.

Pasuvula Puja (worshipping cattle) is the main ritual on Mukkanuma. Kodi pandaalu (cockfight) and eddula pandaalu (bullock cart races) are the blood sports (a gamble of crores of rupees) associated with Sankranti  in some Coastal district of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchangam, 17 January 2016

Suryodayam (Sunrise) 07:14 Suryastamaya (Sunset) 17:59
Chandrodayam (Moonrise) 12:25 Chandrastama (Moonset) 25:27

Today’s Panchangam
Paksha (Fortnight) Krishna Paksha
Tithi (Lunar Day) Ashtami – 15:57
Nakshatra Ashwini – 23:57
Yoga Sidhha – 13:54
Karana Balava – 27:00*

Today’s Panchang
Purnimanta Month Paush
Amavasyanta Month Paush
Shaka Samvatsara: Manmadha
Vikram Samvat Varsha: Kilaka
Rahu Kalam: 16:38 – 17:59
Gulika Kalam: 15:18 – 16:38
Yama Gandam: 12:36 – 13:57

Today’s Rashi
Ravi Rashi (Sun Sign) Makara
Chandra Rashi (Moon Sign) Mesha

Auspicious Time
Amrita Kalam 17:08 – 18:39
Abhijit: 12:15 – 12:58

Time to Avoid
Varjyam Kalam 20:10 – 21:41
Durmuhurthams: 16:33 – 17:16

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