Vrishabha Rashi 2024-2025 Predictions | Taurus Moon Sign Vedic Astrology Predictions



Vrishabha Rashi 2024-2025 Predictions, Taurus Moon Sign 2024-2025 Vedic Astrology Predictions, Vrishabha Rasi Palan, Vrishabha Rashi Rashifal for 2024-2025.

Vrishabha Rasi (Taurus moon sign or Taurus zodiac sign) is the second among 12 Rashi systems of Hindu Astrology.

Vrishabha Rashi Shani Transit 2024-2025 Predictions

Krittika Nakshatram 1, 2, 3 padas or charans, Rohini Nakshatram all padas, Mrigasira Nakshatram 1, 2 padas are categorized under Vrishabha Rashi.

Those who are born between April 21 and May 20 are the natives of Taurus Zodiac as per the date of birth. This system is used in Hindu astrology when you do not know the exact time or your birth star (nakshatram).

As per Hindu calendar (Panchangam), the year 2024-2025 is Krodhi Nama Samvatsaram. It begins on Ugadi, 9 April 2024 and ends in March 2025.

In Sauramana calendars of Tamil Nadu, Tulu Nadu of Karnataka, and some other calendars, Krodhi Nama Samvatsaram begins on April 14 and ends on April 14, 2025.

Aaya Vyaya (Income & Expenditure Ratio) for Vrishabha Rashi in 2024-2025 :

Aaya = 2

Vyaya = 8

Rajapujya Avamana (Honor & Dishonor) for Vrishabha Rashi in 2024-2025 :

Rajapujya = 7

Avamana = 3

As per the standard Panchangam 2024-2025, Ugadi 2024-2025 Panchanga sravanam details are given here.

      1. Krodhi Nama Samvatsara Navanayaka Phala 2024-2025 Predictions – Link
      2. Aaya Vyaya 2024-2025 for all rashis — Ratio of income and expenses for all moon sign natives — Link
      3. Rajapujyam Avamanam 2024-2025 for all rashis — Ratio of honor and dishonor for all moonsign natives — Link
      4. Kandaya Phalams 2024-2025 for all Nakshatrams — good and bad on scale for all Nakshatrams — Link

Krittika Nakshatra Predictions 2024-2025

Rohini Nakshatra Predictions 2024-2025

Mrigashira Nakshatra Predictions 2024-2025

Graha Sancharam in 2024-2025 for Vrishabha Rashi

Surya Bhagawan : For the period of 2024-2025, Sun transits through Vrishabha Rashi in 12th and 1st house from 15 April to 15 May; Ardhashtama Sthana from 19 August to 16 September 2024; Ashtama Sthana from 16 December 2024 to 14 January 2025.

Kuja (Mars) : Kuja Bhagwan transits through Ekadasha Sthana from 24 April to 31 May & Dwadasha Sthana from 1 June to 14 July 2024; Janma Sthana, Dwitiya Sthana and Tritiya Sthana, thereafter till the end of the year.

Guru & Shani : Guru Bhagavan transits through 1st house. Shani Bhagawan transits through Dashama Sthana.

Rahu & Ketu : This year for Vrishabha Rashi, Rahu and Ketu are at Ekadasha Sthana and Panchama Sthana respectively.

Vrishabha Rashi General Predictions 2024-2025

People born under the Vrishabha Rashi, or Taurus sign, are known for their strong will, determination, and practical approach to life. In 2024-2025, those born under this sign may experience some ups and downs in various areas of their lives. Here are some predictions for Vrishabha Rashi for the 2024-2025 period:

Auspicious Days for Vrishabha Rashi in 2024

Vrishabha Rashi Predictions for Finance in 2024-2025

For people born under the Vrishabha Rashi, or Taurus zodiac sign, the year 2024-2025 may bring some fluctuations in their financial situation. Here are some finance predictions for Vrishabha Rashi individuals for the 2024-2025 period:

Stability in Finances: Taurus individuals are often associated with stability and steady growth. During this period, there may be a focus on building and maintaining financial security. Conservative financial strategies and prudent investments may be favored.

Potential for Growth: While stability is emphasized, there may also be opportunities for financial growth and expansion. Taurus individuals might find success through patient and persistent efforts in their financial endeavors. Long-term investments could yield favorable returns.

Caution in Spending: Despite potential for growth, it’s advisable for Taurus individuals to exercise caution in their spending habits. Impulsive or extravagant expenses may disrupt financial stability. Creating and sticking to a budget could be beneficial during this period.

Career and Income: Career advancement and increases in income are possible for Taurus individuals during this period. Hard work, dedication, and practicality might lead to recognition and rewards in the professional sphere. However, it’s essential to avoid complacency and continue striving for improvement.

Investment Opportunities: Taurus individuals might encounter favorable opportunities for investments, particularly in stable and reliable assets. Real estate, conservative stocks, and other secure investments may be appealing options during this time.

Financial Planning: This period could be favorable for long-term financial planning and setting achievable goals. Taurus individuals may benefit from creating a solid financial plan and sticking to it, taking into account their values and priorities.

Overall, Vrishabha Rashi individuals should maintain a cautious approach when it comes to their finances in 2024-2025. They should focus on saving money, avoiding impulsive financial decisions, and planning for any unexpected expenses that may arise. By following a strict budget and seeking professional advice, they can manage their finances effectively and avoid any financial troubles.

Vrishabha Rashi Shani Transit Predictions 2024-25 | Taurus Saturn Transit Results

Vrishabha Rashi Predictions for Family in 2024-2025

For individuals born under Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus), the period of 2024-2025 may bring significant focus and developments in their family life. Here are some potential themes and predictions related to family life during this period:

Stability and Harmony: Taurus individuals value stability and security in their family life. During 2024-2025, there may be a strong emphasis on maintaining harmony and peace within the family. They may actively work towards creating a supportive and nurturing environment for their loved ones.

Deepening Bonds: This period could witness deeper emotional connections and bonds strengthening within the family. Taurus individuals may prioritize spending quality time with their family members, fostering closer relationships and understanding among them.

Domestic Bliss: Taurus individuals often find joy and satisfaction in domestic life. They may focus on creating a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing home environment for their family members. Renovations or home improvements may be undertaken to enhance the living space.

Responsibilities and Duties: Taurus individuals may take their family responsibilities seriously during this period. They could be relied upon to provide support and guidance to family members, especially elders and children. This might involve taking on additional duties or roles within the family structure.

Financial Planning: Family financial matters may be a significant focus for Taurus individuals during 2024-2025. They may prioritize financial stability and security for their family’s future, implementing prudent financial planning strategies and saving for important milestones or emergencies.

Celebrations and Gatherings: Taurus individuals may enjoy hosting gatherings and celebrations with their family members. Special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and festivals could be celebrated with warmth and enthusiasm, strengthening familial bonds further.

Conflict Resolution: While Taurus individuals strive for harmony, conflicts and disagreements within the family may still arise. During this period, they may adopt a patient and diplomatic approach to resolve conflicts, seeking compromises and finding peaceful resolutions to differences.

Overall, the period of 2024-2025 may be characterized by a strong sense of familial love, support, and togetherness for individuals born under Vrishabha Rashi. They may find fulfillment and happiness in nurturing their family relationships and creating a secure and loving home environment.

Vrishabha Rashi Predictions for Career in 2024-2025

For individuals born under the Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus), the period of 2024-2025 could present various career opportunities and challenges. Here are some potential career trends that they might experience during this time:

Steady Progression: Taurus individuals are known for their persistence and dedication. During this period, they might experience steady progress in their careers, gradually moving towards their goals. Consistent effort and hard work are likely to be rewarded with advancements and recognition.

New Opportunities: There could be new career opportunities arising for Taurus individuals, whether it’s a chance to take on more responsibilities within their current job or exploring entirely new career paths. It’s essential for them to stay open-minded and receptive to these opportunities.

Leadership Roles: There could be opportunities for Taurus individuals to step into leadership roles or positions of authority within their organizations. Their practicality, reliability, and strong work ethic make them well-suited for such responsibilities.

Challenges to Overcome: Despite the overall positive trends, Taurus individuals may encounter challenges in their careers during this period. They might face obstacles that test their patience and perseverance. It’s crucial for them to stay resilient and approach these challenges with determination.

Balancing Work and Personal Life: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance might be essential for Taurus individuals during this time. While they’re dedicated to their careers, they also value their personal time and relationships. Finding the right balance between work commitments and personal priorities will be crucial for their overall well-being.

Skill Development: Taurus individuals may feel inclined to invest in their professional development and acquire new skills that enhance their career prospects. Whether through formal education, training programs, or self-study, they may seek opportunities to expand their knowledge and expertise.

Overall, the period of 2024-2025 could be a time of growth and opportunities for Taurus individuals in their careers. By leveraging their strengths, staying adaptable, and remaining focused on their goals, they can make significant strides in their professional lives during this time.

Vrishabha Rashi Predictions for Health in 2024-2025

Astrological predictions regarding health should be taken with caution, as they are not scientifically validated. However, according to astrological beliefs, individuals born under Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus) might experience varying health conditions during the period of 2024-2025. Here are some general insights:

Stability in Health: Taurus individuals may generally experience stable health during this period. Their inherent strength and resilience could help them ward off minor ailments and maintain overall well-being.

Emotional Well-being: Emotional health might be an area of focus during this time. Taurus individuals may need to pay attention to their emotional needs and find healthy outlets for stress or anxiety. Practices such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature could be beneficial.

Physical Fitness: It’s important for Taurus individuals to maintain a balanced approach to physical fitness. Regular exercise and a nutritious diet are essential for preserving health and vitality. Avoiding overindulgence in food or laziness is advised to maintain optimal health.

Preventive Care: Taurus individuals may benefit from prioritizing preventive healthcare measures. Regular check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations can help identify and address any potential health issues early on, ensuring continued well-being.

Stress Management: Managing stress effectively is crucial for maintaining good health. Taurus individuals should be mindful of their stress levels and adopt relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or hobbies that promote relaxation.

Potential Concerns: While overall health may be stable, Taurus individuals should be cautious of indulging too much in sensual pleasures, as overeating or excessive indulgence could lead to health issues such as weight gain, digestive problems, or lethargy.

Remember, these insights are based on astrological interpretations and should not replace professional medical advice. It’s essential for individuals born under Vrishabha Rashi, like everyone else, to prioritize their health by following a balanced lifestyle, seeking medical attention when needed, and listening to their body’s signals.

Jupiter Transit 2024-2025 for Taurus | Vrishabha Rashi Guru Peyarchi Palangal

Vrishabha Rashi Predictions for Education in 2024-2025

For individuals born under Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus), the period of 2024-2025 might present opportunities and challenges in their educational pursuits. Here are some general predictions regarding education during this time:

Focus and Determination: Taurus individuals are known for their persistence and determination. During this period, they are likely to exhibit a strong focus on their studies and academic goals. They may be motivated to work hard and achieve success in their educational endeavors.

Stability in Learning Environment: Taurus individuals may prefer a stable and comfortable learning environment. They might thrive in educational settings that provide structure and consistency. They may also benefit from practical, hands-on learning experiences.

Practical Skills Development: Taurus individuals may be drawn to educational programs or courses that offer practical skills development. They may excel in subjects that have real-world applications and tangible outcomes, such as business, finance, agriculture, or engineering.

Persistence Through Challenges: Despite facing challenges or obstacles in their educational journey, Taurus individuals are likely to persevere and overcome difficulties. They possess a strong sense of determination and resilience, which helps them navigate through academic challenges.

Financial Considerations: Taurus individuals may prioritize financial stability and security when making decisions about their education. They may choose educational paths that offer long-term financial benefits or opportunities for career advancement.

Balancing Work and Study: Some Taurus individuals may need to balance their educational pursuits with work or other responsibilities. They are capable of managing their time effectively and juggling multiple commitments to achieve their academic goals.

Creativity and Innovation: While Taurus individuals value tradition and stability, they also have a creative and innovative side. They may excel in educational settings that encourage creative thinking, problem-solving, and entrepreneurship.

It’s important to note that these predictions are general in nature and may not apply to every individual born under Vrishabha Rashi. Factors such as personal interests, abilities, and external circumstances will also influence one’s educational journey during this period. It’s essential for Taurus individuals to stay focused, work hard, and remain adaptable to navigate through their educational endeavors successfully.

Vrishabha Rashi Predictions for Marriage in 2024-2025

Astrology suggests that for individuals born under Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus), the period of 2024-2025 might be conducive to marriage or significant relationships. Here are some potential scenarios based on astrological interpretations:

New Relationships: Taurus individuals might enter into new romantic relationships during this period. These relationships could be stable and grounded, reflecting the traits typically associated with Taurus, such as loyalty and commitment.

Marriage Opportunities: For those Taurus individuals who are already in committed relationships, 2024-2025 might present opportunities for taking the next step, such as marriage. The stability and reliability associated with Taurus could contribute to successful and long-lasting partnerships.

Family Support: Family support and approval could play a significant role in marriage decisions for Taurus individuals during this period. They may seek the blessings of their family members before proceeding with important relationship commitments.

Emotional Stability: Taurus individuals may prioritize emotional stability and security in their relationships, seeking partners who provide them with a sense of comfort and reassurance. They are likely to value loyalty and trustworthiness in their potential spouses.

Practical Considerations: Taurus individuals may approach marriage with a practical mindset, considering factors such as financial stability, compatibility, and long-term goals. They are likely to take their time in making important relationship decisions, ensuring that they are making the right choice.

Fulfillment: Marriage during this period has the potential to bring fulfillment and happiness to Taurus individuals, as they are likely to prioritize creating a harmonious and supportive home environment.

It’s important to note that while astrology can offer insights and guidance, individual experiences may vary, and personal decisions should not be solely based on astrological predictions. Factors such as personal values, preferences, and circumstances play significant roles in relationship decisions. Ultimately, the decision to marry should be based on mutual love, respect, and compatibility between partners.


  • You need to keep a watch on your health and chanting Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra is beneficial. If you are not able to pronounce it properly, you can even bring the Yantra to your home and worship it according to your ability.
  • It is also a good idea to visit Shiva temple regularly when you are facing difficulties in life. This can bring you some relief from troubles.
  • Worship Goddess Mahalakshmi and recite Shri Sooktam.
  • Dattatreya Aradhana is one of the best remedies to be followed.
  • Rudraksha To Wear : Wear a 9 mukhi Rudraksha.
  • Gemstone to Wear : Wear Diamond (Vajra) Gemstone on Friday. Perform Lakshmi Pooja.
  • Worship Maa Durga on Saturday, during Rahu Kaal.

Write Your Comment


  1. Chandrashekhar R Gaud says:

    Pl explain i m trying to sell my two house ? Can i will get good amount or not and if shani comes in 8 house is next months r very fighting with everyone?

  2. Amarnath says:

    My name is amarnath d.o.b 23/06/1987 vrushaba rasi kruthika nakshatra Tuesday 7.30pm 4th pada please tell me about my marriage andy life

  3. Anand kumar D says:

    I m also Taurus but karthikai don’t wry job comes good but mrg get little delay for our raasi..because of sani in 8th..so workship anchineayar u get good

  4. Vanashree patravale says:

    Name:vanashree m.patravale
    DOB: 10/10/1998in nipani dis.-belgum
    Vrushabh rashi
    Tell me about my education and carier in marathi /hindhi

  5. Arthi .k says:

    Hi , this is Arthi , I was born on 9th March 2003 , can I know more about my education life

  6. Vinod swaminathan says:

    Vinod swaminathan born 17/03/86 rohini nakshatram rishabha rashi. Finance has been a real worry for me. Whatever earned has been lost in last 2 years and debts have gone up. Any pariharam for me to subside and come out because all ventures i face obstacles

  7. samrat singha roy says:

    i am in taurus rashi unfortunattely i am jobless abd finance position very poor so its improve or not because i am tktally depressed.

  8. samrat singha roy says:

    my name samrat singha roy Date of birth- 31/08/1975. time – 5.20 am and place- jamshedpur( jharkhand state). present time i M jobless and finance posirion ery poor also health issue pl help

  9. Aroonanshan says:

    I’m in stress everyday. Feel like not energetic. Almost lost my job. My DOB 06/09/1985. Time 7.29am. Please help me to explain am I to succeed what dream for.

  10. sridhar says:

    I am sridhar past 2 years no job… Family also lot of problem..when it. Is solve. My dob 01/07/1989. Time 20.24 saturday..rishabha. Rassi .mirugasirusham padam. 1. Tell. About my carreer and marriage

  11. vidhya says:

    im vidhya from punjai puliampatti, erode district… my DOB:28.07.1989….let me know my marriage and job,life

  12. DB says:

    My DOB is 29:04/1991. Please tell me my education and relationship. There is arrenge marriage news came, will this marriage happen?

  13. anju says:

    I am cheated by a person who loves me.now i am in mental depression

  14. Pallavi g says:

    My name is Pallavi dob 6 Aug 1980 time 6am. Can I know about my career this year

  15. arvind says:

    Sir I will get government job r not

  16. vasanth says:

    hi this vasanth kumar am married but still we r not getting babies .so health is not good so please reply me

  17. Vasanth Kumar says:

    I’m vasanth Kumar. N D.O.F-17/2/1986
    Time 5-44 p.m on Monday tell about my job and can I know when I get marriage

  18. jagadeesh A says:

    pray kalabhairava and your case is a arranged marriage one. If you get a job, then work stress will be more

  19. E. Amudha says:

    Is there any option for second marriage ?

    Name: Amudha
    Rasi: Rishaba
    Nakshatra: krithika 2nd padam

  20. vikneswari says:

    DOB : 14 MARCH 1989
    TIME : 5.00 AM
    Could you predict my future( career and marriage).


  21. Sanjeev Kumar says:

    Left Reliance in 2013 Aug. And became Director in a liquor manuf. Co. But due to ban,still Trying to find any settlement, this year left another job, also that co. Bundled up, one offer with one new production unit is there, still awaiting to start up the work nd production.Not getting any thing.
    Is any chance to start production.
    Has became moneyless.
    Any remedial measure to accelerate the process.
    Sanjeev Kumar
    D.O.B. 27.10. 1964

  22. varnakumar s/o ramachandran says:

    DOB:17 JUNE 1985
    Could you predict my future (career and marriage)

    This is my girlfriend and plan to engagement next year

    DOB:19 APRIL 1979
    Could you predict my future (career and marriage)

  23. jyothi says:

    Vrashab rashi predictions r true..my date of birth is 12/09/1979.time 11.35am.female..unmarried..can u giive me my future predictions about my marriage

  24. Prema Latha Kandasamy says:


  25. Prema Latha Kandasamy says:

    Dob : 3/4/1968
    Time : 9.15 am

  26. vinie says:

    date of birth 16/10/1973 regarding marriage i would like to know please tell me and also about health

  27. varalakshmi says:

    hi i want monthly prediction for 2018

  28. nadarajan says:

    Rishibam rassi
    How is this 2018 years??
    This i do marriage register

  29. P K Viswanathan says:

    All ways bad only . when good will come .after death

  30. Suresha says:

    Hi can become pragnent on November or december 2019 or when

  31. Rajender says:

    Kruthika nakshtra 2,3,4 padas comes under vrishabha rasi but not 1,2,3 padas kindly correct your mistakes..

  32. A mahadevan says:

    When my loan will be cleared

  33. Amit says:

    SSir I am undergoing health issues. When will they get over. ALSO my promotion selection process is due shortly in september. Can u please tell the prospects

  34. rashmika says:

    Very effectively given.felt very good.thankyou somuch.

  35. Priyanka says:

    Hi sir, my name is Priyanka and DOB is 06-03-1998 please help me with my job search how its gonna be, thank you

  36. Vanitha Vani says:

    My name is Vanitha , l am rishibaham rogini rasi, born on 27/7/1981, have been a single mother and also working. Can l get a life partner and also a good income to over come my all my problem.

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