Vishu 2011 or Malayalam Astrological New Year – 15 April

Vishu is the Malayalam Astrological New Year celebrated in Kerala on Vishuva Sankranti day which also marks the beginning of Meda masam. Vishu 2011 date is April 15, Friday. Vishu is considered as an important festival though it is not the actual New Year for Malayalam people of Kerala. The actual New Year falls on the first day of Chingam (Chingam 1).

Vishukkani Darshanam or Vishu kanal, Vishu Kaineetam, and reading or listening to Vishu Phalam or Vishubhalam (Malayalam astrology predictions) are the main rituals of Vishu festival.

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  1. Malina says:

    vishu phalam 2013 of kaanipayyur on asianet plus

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