Vara Ganapati (Varada Ganapati): The boon giver Ganesha

Varada Ganapati (Vara Ganapati)

Varada Ganapati (Vara Ganapati)

Vara Ganapati is the eighteenth form of the 32 forms of Lord Ganapati. Lord Ganesha is one of the most popular Hindu God worshipped in India and is believed to be the remover of all obstacles in the lives of his devotees.

In this form the lord appears red hue complexion with his consort Shakti (Pushti Devi) seated on his left lap and with four hands. The lord has three eyes and a crescent moon on his crown like his father Lord Shiva. The Shakti is depicted holding the flag and a lotus. Vara Ganapati’s main left hand hold around his Shakti and main right hand holds a dish made from honey. Both the upper left and right hand holds noose and elephant goad (ankusa). Vara Ganapati trunk is curled towards the right holding Ratnakumbha (pot of jewels).

Hasta Nakshatra is associated with this form of Ganapati. It is believed that worshipping the Lord in this form will help the devotees to attain success.

Vara Ganapati Mantra and its translation:

Sindhoorabhimabhananam Trinayam Haste Cha Pashankushou

Bibhranam Madhumat Kapalamanisham Sadhivindumouli Bhaje

Pushtyashilshyathatanum Dhvajagrakarayaa Padyollasadhastyaa

Tadhyonyahita Panimattamasumata Patrollasat Pushkaram

“The Delightful Ganapati with a Shakti seated on his left thigh. He has four arms. He is red in colour. His first three hands hold the elephant goad, the skull filled with liquor (madhumatkapala) and the noose. The fourth hand creeps between the thighs of the goddess who holds a lotus and a banner.”

One of the main temples associated with this form of Ganapati can be seen in Renuka Yellamma Temple in Savadatti in Belgaum, Karnataka. Apart from these , the temples of Chamarajanagar and Nanjangud in Mysore has all the 32 forms of Ganesha sculptures.

Vara Ganapathi Dhyana Mantra

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