ISKCON Temple, New York

ISKCON Temple in New York, is one of the famous ISKCON Temples dedicated to Lord Krishna.

New York ISKCON Temple’s address, location, Phone numbers, email ids, FAX and other contact numbers are given here…

ISKCON Temple, New York Address / Location

Iskcon Temple
New York, 305 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn 11217,
New York,
U.S.A. –

Phone Numbers / Contact Numbers / Mobile Numbers:

Phone: (718) 855-6714
Fax: (718) 875-6127

Jagannath Rathayatra, Sri Krishna Janmashtami, Sri Rama Navami, Narasimha Jayanti (Narasimha Chaturdasi), Shravana Maasa, Annakut Mahotsava in Kartika Maasa, Diwali, Karthika Maasa, Margashirsha Maasa, Holi Purnima, etc. are observed in great fervor in ISKCON Temple, New York.

Note: The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), known colloquially as the Hare Krishna movement or Hare Krishnas, is a Gaudiya Vaishnava religious organization.

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