Guru Peyarchi Palan for Kanya Rashi 2013-2014 (Jupiter Transit for Virgo)

Guru Peyarchi Palangal 2013-2014 for Kanya Rashi, Jupiter Transit for Virgo. Guru Peyarchi Predictions for Kanya Rashi. Guru Peyarchi Palan May 2013-2014. Effect of Guru Peyarchi on Kanya Rashi?

The Nakshatrams – Uttara Phalguni Nakshatram, Hastha Nakshatram and Chitra Nakshatra natives are categorised under Kanya Rashi (Virgo Moon sign).

Guru Peyarchi will be taking place on 28th May 2013 at 9.18 PM as per some Tamil calendars while Thirukkanitha Panjangam is claiming that Jupiter Transit will take place on 30th May 2013 at 8.16 PM IST. Some Telugu calendars predict that Guru Sankramanam into Midhuna Rashi will take place on 31st May 2013 at 6.49 AM.

Guru Bhagavan, Jupiter, is transiting from Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus) to Midhuna Rashi (Gemini).

During this phase, Guru enters into the 10th house from the 9th house . This will upset the rhythm of your life in many areas. The previous year had been a good one due to Guru being supportive, but things are likely to change this year.

This is not a good period for your career and your superiors at work may not be happy with your performance. This can lead to loss of job in many cases and you should avoid any form of conflict in workplace. Not the right time to think about promotions.

For people in business, there is a risk of business going down. You should be careful while doing deals and not hurry to make any decision.

However, you can make any investment in buying house. This is advisable to avoid unnecessary expenses. There is a possibility of auspicious functions happening at home like a child birth or marriage. This will give you relief from your professional problems.

Guru Peyarchi Predictions May 31, 2013 to July 02, 2013 : Married life will be comfortable. Travelling may not be fruitful. Matters related to property and vehicles may not be favourable. Avoid conflicts with partners and colleagues.

Guru Peyarchi Predictions July 02, 2013 to July 13, 2013 : Your relationship with family members will improve. Dealing in property and vehicle will be beneficial. Travelling for work and business will be fruitful.

Guru Peyarchi Predictions July 13, 2013 to July 30, 2013 : Family members may not be understanding and this can lead to some stress. Issues related to property and vehicle will not go smoothly. Be careful when handling situation at work place.

Guru Peyarchi Predictions July 30, 2013 to August 15, 2013 : Travelling will be beneficial and situation at work place will see some improvements. Family members will be more understanding than before.

Guru Peyarchi Predictions August 15, 2013 to September 23, 2013 : You will be able to have good relationship with family members. Travelling will be beneficial and yield positive results. Work related issues will not trouble you in any manner.

Guru Peyarchi Predictions September 23, 2013 to November 08, 2013 : Not a good period for you and will have issues with family members. Travelling may not yield desired results and there will be conflicts at work place.

These predictions are to be read along with your antardasa and mahadasa and results may vary from person to person.

Guru Peyarchi 2012-2013 Predictions

Guru Peyarchi 2012 date is May 17, 2012. Guru transits from Mesha Rashi to Vrishabha Rasi and remains in Taurus sign till 28 May 2013. Here are the Predictions for Kanya (Chingam) Rashi due to Guru Peyarchi

The Jupiter transit indicates bad first half and below average second half. Guru transits from 8th House (Ashtama Guru, Ayur Sthanam) to 9th House (Bhagya Sthanam). You are entering into s favorable time. This Guru Peyarchi brings your lot of luck, money, and health. If you are unmarried, then marriage is on cards for you.

Uttara or Uttara Falguni Nakshatra 2, 3, 4 padas, Hastha Nakshatram, Chittha Nakshatra 1, 2 padas are categorised under Kanya Rasi (Kanni Rashi: Virgo Moon Sign)..

Brihaspati Japam and worshipping Guru Bhagavan on Thursdays is advised for Kanya Rasi natives for even better results…

Get detailed predictions and parihara….

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  1. Laasya says:

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  4. Gunaja says:

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  6. Avinashika says:

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  12. Shuchismita says:

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  13. Shriyadita says:

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  14. Shivli says:

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  15. Chetanaanand says:

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  16. Kunda says:

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  17. Thenmozhi says:

    Kanni rasi ,uthiram natchathiram ,2 padam for 2014

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