Bharani Nakshatra 2023 dates, Timings

Bharani Nakshatra 2023 dates, Bharani Nakshatra 2023 dates as per Hindu Astrology.

Bharani nakshatra is the second nakshatra among 27 nakshatrams in Hindu Astrology. The dates are provided for Bharani nakshatra natives because it is considered inauspicious to perform any good deed on their birth star (Janm nakshatra).

Kumbha Bharani is one of the big festivals in Kerala. It is celebrated on Bharani nakshatram day in Kumbha masam in Malayalam calendar. Bharani Mahalaya Shraddh is observed on Bharani nakshatra in Mahalaya Paksha or Shraddh Paksha in Ashwin / Bhadrapad month.

Bharani Nakshatra is the Nakshatra of Shukra graham. It is ruled by Lord Yama. Elephant is the animal for this Nakshatra.

People who are born in Bharani Nakshatra will be very beautiful in looking. They will be very neat and take care of hospitality. All the decisions taken on you by others will be moulded into your favour by you.

Bharani Nakshatra Predictions 2023-2024

Bharani Nakshatra Predictions in Hindi 2023-2024

Bharani Nakshatra Stotram

Child Birth in Bharani Nakshatra

Hindu Baby Girl Names for Bharani Nakshatra Girl

Hindu Baby Boy Names for Bharani Nakshatra Boy

Kandaya Phalam for Bharani Nakshatra

Bharani Nakshatra Horoscope

Know About Bharani Nakshatra in Hindi

Here is the list of the dates of Bharani nakshatra 2023 dates, Timings

Begins at 3.27 AM, 25 February 2023  – Ends at 3.59 AM, 26 February 2023

Begins at 1.22 PM, 24 March 2023 – Ends at 1.19 PM, 25 March 2023

Auspicious days for Bharani Nakshatra natives in 2024

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