29 August 2011, Amavasya, Today

Today is Amavasya (29 August 2011), the No Moon day in Hinduism. It is Shravan Amavasya in Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada & Telugu calendars. North Indian Hindi calendars consider it as Bhadrapad Amavasya. Amavasya begins at 11.39 am on 28 August & ends at 8.34 am on 29 August 2011. As it falls on Monday, it is also observed as Somvati Amavasya.

This Amavasya is observed as Pola Amavasya in Maharashtra; Pithori Amavasya and Kushotpatini Amavasya in North India & Polala Amavasya in Andhra Pradesh.

Amavasya of August 29, 2011, marks the end of Shravan month in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka. And it marks the end of Krishna Paksha of Bhadrapad month in North Indian Hindi calendars.

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